Saturday 12

Brilliant Walls of Light: Spotlight on Stained Glass

10:30am - 12pm
Each window contains a unique style of stained glass drawn from the English, French, and German traditions. Explore the beautiful narrative and geometric windows by moder...

Food and Culture: Spotlight on Morningside Heights

11am - 12:30pm
This tour will explore the Cathedral and its place within the culture heritage of Morningside Heights. Spend some time inside focusing on The Value of Food exhibit and th...

With Angels and Archangels: Spotlight on Angelic Images

2:30pm - 4pm
Discover images of angels in the Cathedral's glass and stone. Learn about the role of angels in the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic scriptures, the angelic hierarchy and ho...

Curator Talk: On The Value of Food

3pm - 4:30pm
Explore 30+ art pieces throughout this exhibition, co-curated by Kirby Gookin and Robin Kahn, and delve into topics such as food security, traditions, and sustainability...
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