March 7, 2024 - 8:00am

Lenten Meditation: March 7, 2024

Lenten Meditation: March 7, 2024

What a difficult passage to comment!

It is tempting either to skip it or read it in a very spiritual way. It is one of these puzzling passages where Paul boasts and gives himself as an example for the believers to follow. However, if we take the time to read it and to understand what the apostle really wants to say, we may actually find some encouragement for our Lenten journey.

Paul was a founder of communities. He preached the gospel to cities where the Christian faith did not yet exist and established its first church. It was a dangerous and unrewarding task. In this passage, Paul explains that he made it even more difficult and less rewarding by refusing a legitimate stipend from the local church, and provide for himself instead.

Paul wanted the Gospel to be free and accessible to everyone, because love is free. Of course, there are some material contingencies that we need to handle. However, the truth of the Gospel cannot be a matter of how much money we have, and no one should be excluded from receiving God’s love. This is what Paul believed.’

What does it mean for our Lenten season? First, let us be thankful for the people who have freely ministered to us. Not only did they do their job: they gave themselves away so that I could get a chance to meet Jesus Christ. Second, let us remember the Lord’s command: “you have received freely, give freely.” (Matthew 10:8) May this generosity govern our actions today!

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