February 24, 2023 - 5:58pm

Solidarity with Jewish Communities

Solidarity with Jewish Communities

Dear Friends of the Cathedral,

Greater New York is home to almost two million Jews, the largest Jewish community of any city in the world. In 1930, one of the most prominent Jewish families in the city made a gift to the Cathedral that still humbles us almost 100 years later. Standing near the altar are two monumental menorahs said to be exact replicas of the menorah that stood in the Jerusalem Temple. Given to us by Adolph Ochs, the publisher of the New York Times, they mark the mutual respect between the city’s Jewish community and this great Cathedral, the home of the Episcopal Diocese of New York.

We have learned that tomorrow, 25 February, has been declared a “National Day of Hate” by groups of antisemitic white nationalist organizations. This comes just days after a group of neo-Nazis heckled theater goers as they queued for a performance of the Broadway play, “Parade.” It is about the wrongful rape conviction of Leo Frank, a Jewish man, in 1915. The hecklers asserted that he was, in fact, guilty as all Jews are guilty.

One has only to think of Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, where 11 Jewish worshippers were murdered on a Sabbath morning in 2018, to know that antisemitic threats are not empty. Law inforcement is taking this seriously, and all of us should.

We at the Cathedral urge our friends to stand in solidarity with Jewish people everywhere, especially here in New York City. We urge everyone to counter this repulsive National Day of Hate with love, and we pledge to stand firm in defense of God’s Chosen People, the family of Jesus.

As the Friday sun sets, we at the Cathedral wish sabbath peace to you all.

The Very Reverend Patrick Malloy, PhD


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